Sex Therapist San Antonio
Online San Antonio Sex Therapist for Individuals and Couples Sexual Concerns
We offer comprehensive in-person and online services dealing with sexual addiction, pornography addiction, sexual trauma, infidelity, sexuality stresses and sexual functioning.
Are you ready to take your first step forward?
Sexual Addiction
Sexual Trauma
Betrayal Trauma
Sex Therapy
The sex therapy field is complex and strongly impacts individuals that are hurting and looking for a way out of the pain.
Specializing in Sex Therapy Services for San Antonio
You know something is not right
It’s been ignored, denied, or buried for a few days or many years. When it comes to sex and secrets, all kinds of words come to mind: Weak, Lies, Hurting, Shame, Guilt, Helpless, Pain, My fault, Embarrassed, Confused, Afraid.
It’s no wonder that it seems easier to pretend and avoid.
Guess what? It’s not. You find yourself scattered and easily upset- depressed, anxious, angry. You are easily triggered. You feel like you’re ready to blow apart. You are the shaken soda can that is gonna explode when it’s opened.
Keeping things inside has many negative effects.
You might find that stress from sexual problems is tearing you apart. Your health is at risk because your body starts to break down from the pressure.
If secrets are not affecting you physically, how are they affecting your relationships with a partner, your children, your spiritual self, your connections to others?
Are secrets affecting your ability to complete your work, handle normal job pressures, show up on time?
Scheduling a first session with a sex therapist San Antonio, in-person or virtually, is recommended if you are experiencing concerns around these topics.
Are secrets causing you to feel lonely and worthless?
There are so many types of secrets and private things that a person can hold inside
The partner who has an affair.
The child who has suffered through sexual abuse.
The couple that struggles to have a sexually intimate relationship.
The teenage girl who just sent a selfie to a stranger because “everyone else is doing it”.
The 20 year-old that can’t understand how to have a relationship because he is caught up in pornography.
The 30 year-old that feels she has had too many sex partners because she is a love addict.
The shy 40 year-old who has never had a date.
The transgender person who doesn’t feel there is anybody to trust.
I have seen the confusion, the anxiety, the pain and I am drawn to help you.
You want to work for hope, happiness, and peace.
Seriously, the first meeting is the hardest part…wait, make that the first 10 minutes. Once you start opening-up and realize that someone is listening and not judging, you will feel this sense of relief at letting go.
Next comes the problem-solving. You set the goals and let me support you. Using the tools from your sessions, you will start to develop a sense that change is happening.
Our goal is to make sure you find the right help. We help many clients for our sex therapist San Antonio service and throughout Texas (in person or by telehealth) with sexual trauma, sex addiction, infidelity, porn addiction, sexual identity, couples counseling for sexual functioning & relationship, teen sex education and sexuality concerns. Likewise, many of our clients can heal using our therapy methods and approaches to relationships.
Are you ready to take your first step forward?
As a San Antonio Sex Therapist also providing online sessions, what I do in counseling sessions is like no other counselor. I researched many types of approaches to help you get the best chance for a change. Everything that I use comes from my own personal experience in dealing with childhood traumas, adoption issues with my child, and marriage struggles. What I learned soon became obvious.
The sex therapy field is complex and strongly impacts individuals that are hurting and looking for a way out of the pain. I want you to have more than talk therapy can offer. You need to change automatic thinking patterns that developed from your past, present or even how you picture the future. It’s important to have cutting edge therapies. Your sessions are different when you work with me- because I seek only the best trainings. What does that include? You can get the benefit of EMDR, Brainspotting, Neurofeedback, ART, Somatic Experiencing, Buehler Institute Sex Therapy training, and IITAP sex addiction training. Why do these matter? Because the brain and the body are an important part of the puzzle for making changes and healing.
Therapy & Treatment Services
Sexual Addiction
Persistent sexual desires, thoughts, and behavior can become unwelcome and problematic. People who become preoccupied with sexual fantasies and urges act on these impulses. This pattern of behavior is often referred to as hyper-sexuality or sex addiction. Most experts agree that having frequent sex is not necessarily a sign of a problem.
Sex Addiction Therapy San Antonio and Online Treatment Options
At Cheryl Camarillo Therapy, we’ll help you find the best treatment for sexual impulsivity and explores topics like the individual’s feelings, beliefs about self, and past sexual experiences as part of the healing process. We provide sex therapy San Antonio treatments in addition to online treatment options.
Betrayal Trauma
Betrayal trauma impacts the partner of a sex addict. The signs and symptoms resemble post-traumatic stress. Counseling in this area includes education on the impact and the best ways to manage the stress and trauma. Individual and group therapies help.
With professional help, a person living with betrayal trauma can heal. Likewise, they can live a healthy, fulfilling life.
Sex Therapy San Antonio and Virtual Sessions
Sex is an area that can be the source of many issues for individuals and couples. Sex therapy is informative and supportive of change. By addressing communication and offering educational information, many couples can move toward a satisfying sexual relationship. Individuals may need support in learning ways to help with sexual functioning (erectile dysfunction or inability to orgasm), attitudes about sex, and the dynamics of being in a healthy, loving, relationship.
Brainspotting is a therapy that harnesses parts of the brain and body through visual activation. People begin unwinding the thread that ties life’s many stresses and events that negatively impact their lives.
EMDR (EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Removal) is a form of therapy which allows you to heal your mind from situations and events.
If you tend to relive events over and over, you might need help releasing the emotions attached to the issue so that it can be moved over to long-term memory. You don’t have to feel the past like it happened yesterday. You do have to think about the situation while bilateral movements are used, but you don’t always have to talk about the issue. This is the nice side of EMDR.
I find EMDR is powerful! I truly wish I would have found it earlier, so that every client could have experienced the benefits. More information can be found at www.emdria.org.
ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy) is similar to EMDR. It helps change the negative event that seems to be plaguing a person.
By looking at a situation in a different way or from a strength perspective, people find ART is a quick, effective intervention. It can take 3-6 sessions with some relief in the first session.
The goal is to identify a troubling event, reduce the emotional response, and develop a better outcome to the situation. Bonus? You do not have to discuss the issue.
Neurofeedback is helpful in allowing people to relax and go deeper into their issues. It helps other areas including pain management, mood swings, attention deficit and hyperactivity, Autism Spectrum, chronic health issues, strokes, anxiety, depression, anger outbursts to name a few. More information and videos on neurofeedback can be found at www.eeginfo.com . I have trained with EEG Info for over 9 years and see benefits in my life, too.